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I believe FusionCash is undoubtedly the most popular place to make money online! You sign up, complete offers and cash out. Offers are surveys, free trials, paid to sign up, paid to click, paid to watch videos, paid emails and my favorite, paid to post. Here is my October payment.
Acts 1:3 "After his suffering, he showed himself to these men and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God"
Everyone knows now that Swagbucks rewards its members for searching and using their search engine. But do you all know about their swagcodes? They release codes from different locations at random times. Their definition of the swagcode is a string of text that you can apply for instant SwagBucks. By that they mean some letters and numbers put together to make up a code. Example "MuS1cMOnDaY" Codes are case sensitive and will always have an expiration time next to them.
What do I do with a swagcode?
Once found, swagcodes are entered into the code box on the right hand side your Swagbucks home page. You'll get instant swagbucks!
Swagcodes can also be entered into the code box on the right hand side of your accounts page.
Where can I find swagcodes?
Swagcodes can be found on Swagbucks Facebook page, Twitter, their Blog, the Swagbucks Toolbar and my favorite the Widget/Swidget (seen below) You can get a widget just like this one for your own website or you can bookmark this page and routinely visit throughout your day for swagcodes. Sometimes the code itself is on the widget and if the code is somewhere else the widget will give you a hint and tell you where to look.
Happy Code Hunting! If you are not a member of SwagBucks you can join here Search for Wisdom Proverbs 2 verse 4 Look for it as you would look for money.
Search for it as you would search for hidden treasure.